Guest Post : Marc Merlin : Taranis 6 channel with throttle and crow combined on one stick.

Marc Merlin contacted me with his modified config a the 6 channel motor glider asking if I would post it here. His post is below :

I owe huge thanks to Sean Cull for posting his detailed configuration here:
I encourage you to go look at his detailed explanations if mine seem too short. While they don’t apply to my model config, he explains very nicely how things generally work, and this is where I learned most of what I know about Taranis programming.

I’m sharing my 7 channel glider config because it allows you to setup your flaps asymmetrically where they go down more than up, or only down. You decide how you want to set yours up and you only need to change the subtrim in channels 6 and 7, something that was very non obvious to me when I was learning how to program my Taranis.

My setup is also different from Sean’s by having the throttle stick control crow flaps from 0 to 45%, nothing from 45 and 55%, and then throttle from 55% to 100%. This allows you to use a single power lever to slow down from gliding, or add power to gliding, middle being neutral. No switches to flip to switch from crow flaps to motor power, which is very handy if you have to cancel your landing as the last second.

You can read more about it and get the config files here:


One thought on “Guest Post : Marc Merlin : Taranis 6 channel with throttle and crow combined on one stick.

  1. Sean Cull Post author

    Hi Marc, thanks for the feedback. It is great to know that my guide has been useful to people.

    Your throttle elevator mix to overcome climb as power is increased is also interesting.

    Good luck with the flying, Sean


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